08 September 2006


This Blog will be our holiday diary from the 20th of September to the 7th of October.
Come and check out our photos and entries as we wander around Paris, Venice, and Brittany.

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Feel free to add your comments in the "say g'day" box.

Sam and Aarti

1 comment:

Laura said...

How can you possibly mistake sandwiches for a secateur??!!!
And how did you manage to get it past security? Is pilot pruning the new threat? Oh, of course, you were on the train not the plane. Glad your mum has got her gardening tool back - it is rather difficult to trim the foliage with a cheese&tomato baguette.
Talking of food, waffles with chocolate and cream sounds absolutely delicious! And with street vendors selling champagne, the French prove that even their street food is the best!
It looks like you're visiting lots of the sights - nice to see the moon of venus. Have you been to Montmatre? There's an artists market there not to mention the Sacre Coeur (you can climb to the roof and get some fabulous views of Paris). Au revoir!